This work renders visible the invisible, creating artworks from ‘thin air’. On residency in Beijing in 2008, breathing air so polluted that it was often even hazy indoors, I pondered using that thick, very present air as a raw material in my art practice. Fast forward to 2019/20: the Black Summer bushfires were the imperative… Continue reading Mining thin air (2024–ongoing)
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Birthday (2022)
Materials: broken glass, metronome, music box, wax and perspex with internal lighting
Wireless House (2006)
proposed for City of Sydney’s ‘Glebe Point Road Public Art Project’, 2006.
Site: The ‘Wireless House’, Foley Park.
Built in 1934, the ‘Wireless House’ was equipped with a crystal radio set audible through the apertures of the structure. Although a popular meeting place for Glebe residents and the unemployed, the service was terminated after a short time, after a government official declared that sitting around all day was not in the public interest and that the ‘Wireless House’ encouraged indolence. I proposed to reinvigorate the ‘Wireless House,’ transforming it from a redundant curio into an active element of the local community’s cultural milieu.